Subject: Reference letter Imtech Building Services
To whom it may concern,
The Cordeel Group acquired the company Imtech Belgium in 2015, which had approximately 800 employees. After a successful project at the Cordeel Temse production locations, Vocum was commissioned to start an analysis at Imtech’s Building Services department.
During the analysis it was determined that a potential saving of 20% was possible on direct and indirect labor costs, which corresponds to 2.4 million Euro on an annual basis.
Some things where Vocum has helped us to work more productively are:
Standards have been established for all maintenance activities. This allows the planner to assign the right amount of work to a technician.
A management system has been developed so that problems/deviations from the target are noticed in a timely manner. This allows action to be taken at the right time/level.
An operational report should ensure that productivity is planned and monitored in a targeted manner. This is to put continuous improvement at the center of a daily cycle.
The technicians are now 75% fully booked 1 week in advance (+25% breakdown work) so that they certainly have enough work. In addition, it can also be seen whether there are too many or too few people, taking into account the contractual maintenance tasks to be performed.
Personal coaching of the various managers by Vocum, both in the classroom and on the job, has ensured continuous focus and help to achieve our goal.
All maintenance tasks are clustered so that we can efficiently plan our technicians. This prevents technicians from unnecessarily going to the same place on different days.
After finishing the project, Vocum set up audits together with one of our employees. This way of working allows us to safeguard the system and take further steps in the future. All this has led to achieving the targeted savings.
Kind regards,
Jeroen van Parijs Filip Cordeel
CEO Imtech Belgium Managing Director Cordeel Group
Rijnkaai 20
B-2000 Antwerp
Tel. +32(0)3 825 72 68
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