Why Vocum as an external partner?

Things that make Vocum stand out

Guaranteed results

For most of our customers, the measurable improvement is more than 2.5 times the project cost. We guarantee a return on your investment of at least 1:1. We measure the improvements achieved on a weekly basis based on a commonly agreed measurement basis.

The idea is that the achieved productivity is compared weekly with the productivity before the start of the project (in a comparable period).

From this, a difference is calculated between the number of man-hours required before the start of the project and the man-hours actually performed. This difference in man hours is then expressed in Euro.

We guarantee that the improvements achieved annually are at least equal to the project cost.

If we do not achieve this result – we will refund the difference or continue working at our own expense.

Role as catalyst

Vocum jumps in the tub with you and makes a commitment to results.

We stay in the organization and take the role of catalyst, mediator and coach until the proposed improvements are fully realized.

Vocum combines its experience and knowledge as ‘change agents’ with the expertise of your company. In this way, improvements can be achieved that neither party can accomplish individually.

Reality from the floor

During the analysis, as well as during any project, Vocum always starts from the reality of the floor.

As a result, we acquire a “right to speak” at the lower hierarchical levels. It is precisely they who are going to have to solve much more of the operational problems. We involve these levels strongly and try to let them come up with improvements themselves.

This”bottom up” approach pursues not only economic results – but also better employee motivation – which is the best guarantee that the improvements will be permanent.


As external consultants, we have the full time and commitment to implement changes. The management team has day-to-day responsibilities. Vocum’s daily task is to increase productivity and achieve results.

The management also has its daily activities, where the focus of the improvement project can sometimes slip away.

Someone from outside the organization brings a fresh perspective to the company. Such a change agent can therefore quickly identify improvement points and assist you in implementing changes.

Vocum focuses only on the improvement process


What one of our customers has to say about us

“Intensive training has been given, both in class and on the job, with the aim of making managers better able to manage a group of people based on facts and figures. The managers in this story are the production & technology manager, the plant managers and team leaders.”

BTE groep

What one of our customers has to say about us

Our employees initially expressed disbelief about the feasibility because in their eyes we were already doing our very best. The latter was correct, but we did not use our strengths properly, which meant that many things were not carried out effectively. By identifying these areas for improvement one by one and then tackling them with an action plan, we quickly achieved our objectives. The enthusiasm and persuasiveness of the Vocum team quickly created an atmosphere that the proposed improvements could actually be realized.

Dennis J.J. Gouka - Algemeen Directeur Heras

Management skills of executives are fine-tuned "on the job"